General Conditions

The owner of the online store and the name itself at is the company Tatsu Print DOO, based in Belgrade, Emila Zole 6v OIB: SRB 111505004 (hereinafter: online store). For all visitors who visit the above online store, and who are registered or logged in once as a guest, the general terms and conditions of business and purchase below apply.

All information, content, and documents available on the online store and/or on other websites owned by Tatsu Print DOO may not be used for commercial purposes and any transfer, publication, public display, distribution of documents is prohibited. and content without the prior written permission of Tatsu Print DOO. The contents of the online store are the property of the online store or other copyright holders and are subject to respect for copyright and intellectual property.

Tatsu Print DOO undertakes to use the voluntarily submitted personal data of the user exclusively for the purpose of providing a complete service to the user of the online store.

This online store ( may contain links to other websites created by third parties or Tatsu Print DOO. Links to pages created by third parties Tatsu Print DOO will try to mark in an appropriate way. Tatsu Print DOO disclaims all responsibility for the content on pages created by third parties.

In accordance with the above, Tatsu Print DOO disclaims liability for all material and non-material damage that may occur:

When accessing the website or the website owned by third parties who are linking to the online store.

By taking user actions influenced by the content and services on

User abuse to harm other users.

When posting inaccurate and incomplete content both on the pages of and on the pages of third parties and companies.

In case of incomplete functioning or interruption of functioning of the website

Tatsu Print DOO reserves the right to change the general terms and conditions of business and purchase without prior notice to users of the online store

By using the website you accept the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND BUSINESS that apply to this online store.

Copyright is fully reserved. All content and formats on are the property of Tatsu Print DOO or its contractual partners. All content contained on our site, unless for personal purposes, may not be used or passed on to third parties without our permission. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Terms of Use and Business Conduct, please contact our support at

Tatsu Print DOO expressly prohibits any use of the website in a manner and/or for purposes that directly or indirectly violate any applicable law or regulation in force in The Republic of Croatia, as well as good customs.

The contents (photographs, images, videos, texts, etc.) on the website may not be reproduced, distributed or used in any way for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Tatsu Print DOO. The content published on the website can be used only for the personal needs of users, subject to the following conditions:

the user may use the content only with respect to the copyright and related rights of Tatsu Print DOO and third parties;

the user may not make any modifications to the content and services without the prior written consent of Tatsu Print DOO.

The content of the online store refers to goods and services that include the production and service that are included or will be included in the offer of the online store.

Each product on offer contains a description, name, dimension, and price.

Ordering goods is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

By selecting the product, dimensions and defining the quantity, the total price of the product or service is defined. The cost list of the ordered goods, as well as the description of the same, can be found in the "basket". Also, each order and a detailed description of the ordered goods or services arrive at the customer's email.

All listed prices within the online store are expressed in Croatian Kuna and include VAT. After selecting the dimension, method of making a sent or selected photo from the existing gallery and filling in the required information (name, surname, delivery address, city, postal code, phone, email) and selecting delivery and payment methods, the visitor becomes a customer. The buyer must pay for all purchased goods in the specified amount, which will be stated in the "basket". Review and method of payment for the order, in addition to the shopping cart, the customer also receives it on the personal email he/she entered when creating the order.

Purchase options are:

Virmanski - by payment via bank, internet banking or post office based on the issued payment slip or offer that will be delivered to the customer via email.

Cash on delivery - when picking up the goods by delivery

Card payment:

  • American Express® | one-time
  • Diners | one-time
  • PBZ Visa (Debit) one-time
  • PBZ Maestro® (Debit) one-time
  • Visa / Visa Electron / V Pay (Debit, Credit, Business) one-time
  • MasterCard® (Debit, Credit, Business) one-time
  • Maestro® (Debit, Business) one-time

Online payment security statement

When paying on our web store, use Raiffeisen e-commerce - an advanced system for secure acceptance of payment cards via the Internet.

Raiffeisen e-commerce ensures the complete confidentiality of your card data from the moment you enter it in the Raiffeisen e-commerce payment form. Payment information is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our store never comes into contact with complete information about your payment card. Also, the data is inaccessible even to employees of the Raiffeisen e-commerce system. The isolated core independently transmits and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure.

The form for entering payment data is provided with the SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. Raiffeisen e-commerce meets all requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by leading card brands, ie operates in accordance with the standard - PCI DSS Level 1 - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, your bank, in addition to the validity of the card itself, additionally confirms your identity using a token or password.

The security controls and operating procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the current reliability of the Raiffeisen e-commerce system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring, and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and the planned implementation of information security provisions, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.

Security Programs and Relevant Links

The order can be canceled in case of:

In case of bank transfer payment (according to the offer) before the payment is made. It is not possible to cancel the order after the payment has been made.

When paying by cash on delivery a maximum of two hours after the order has been sent, and only in writing (via email

For Card Payment immediately after the order has been sent, exclusively in writing (via email The money will be refunded to your account after the bank makes a payment to the seller.

The production order and delivery time for the product becomes active and starts running:

For bank transfer payments from the moment the funds are visible on the online store account.

When paying by cash on delivery two hours after receiving the order during the same or the next business day from 8 am to 4 pm.

With Card Payment immediately after ordering.

Production time is 3-7 working days depending on the quantity of ordered products.

For the territory of Croatia, delivery is not included in the price of goods or services and is done within 5 working days from the date of sending the order. The goods are insured against loss or damage in delivery, and if the Buyer does not receive any notification or delivery from the Internet store or postal service after 20 days of submitting the order, he must notify the Internet store so that he can take action to find or send the shipment. replacement. If the Buyer does not pick up the shipment from the post office within 5 working days (if he was not at the address specified in the order), the shipment is returned to the Internet store and after receipt is sent again with the additional cost of other delivery. Da-Maris d.o.o. distributor for the territory of the Republic of Croatia, waives liability for non-compliance with the delivery deadline in case of force majeure, failure of machines for the production of the ordered product, the inability of the Contracting Courier Service to deliver the goods on time.

In case of non-compliance with the delivery deadline Da-Maris d.o.o. undertakes:

deliver the goods to the buyer within the period subsequently agreed with the buyer

fully refund the amount paid for the manufacture of the product.

The packaging of the product is performed in a way and according to the norms of work so that the product is not damaged during the usual and conscientious manipulation of the package. The buyer is obliged to take the received product out of the packaging and visually inspect it and report any damage or refuse to accept the shipment. An invoice will be delivered with the product.

Product complaints are recognized only with the presented invoice as the only proof of purchase.

Card slips and similar certificates cannot replace the account. There are no complaints without an invoice. In order for the complaint for a product with a defect to be accepted, it is necessary to return the product in question in the original packaging and packaged suitably for transport with the invoice received and the order sent. All complaints about products that are not properly packaged for package distribution and are without invoices will not be accepted and will be returned to the buyer (sender) at his expense.

All ordered products will be made according to the work norm, and the company Da-Maris d.o.o. guarantees that all products purchased on the online store are correct and free from defects. There is a possibility of minimal deviation of the ordered and delivered colors in the photos due to the deviation of the calibration of the online store monitor and the visitor/customer monitor, and the difference cannot be the subject of a complaint by the customer. Complaints are justified in the event that the received product is damaged before delivery and/or that a product other than the ordered one is delivered. The customer must notify the online store no later than 7 days after receiving and receiving the goods or services. Please contact us if you have the above situation.

In this case, the buyer has the right to:

On the refund of the total amount paid in case of transfer or PayPal payment.

Reject, receive the advertised product when paying by cash on delivery

Request a replacement product if the wrong product is delivered

Request the manufacture and delivery of an identical product without damage.

These websites take all measures to protect user data. Entering confidential information through this website is protected online and offline. If confidential information (such as personal information) is required from users in our registration form, that information is encrypted and protected by a security protocol (SSL). While on a protected page, the padlock icon at the bottom of an Internet browser such as the Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or other Internet browsers is locked, unlike an unlocked or open icon during a normal search of our pages. In addition to using SSL encryption to protect user data on the Internet, we do everything in our power to protect the same data offline. Access to all information about our users, not just the confidential information mentioned above, is limited. Only employees who need it to perform a particular service have access to confidential information.


For any additional security questions on our website, you can send an email to:

To order goods, persons must be over 18 years of age. Terms of sale are subject to change without notice. All confirmed orders will be delivered according to the conditions valid at the time of order confirmation. Da-Maris d.o.o. reserves the right not to deliver goods based on orders with incomplete and/or inaccurate information.

By using the goods and services of our website, you accept the terms of use. If you do not agree to the terms of use, do not use this site. These websites contain information about the products and services offered by Tatsu Print DOO, and serve as the company's electronic point of sale - online store. Tatsu Print DOO, cannot take responsibility for any damages caused by the use of information from this site for purposes beyond its intended purpose.

Tatsu Print DOO undertakes to respect the anonymity and privacy of users of the website

Tatsu Print DOO undertakes to provide protection of personal data of customers, by collecting only the necessary, basic information about customers/users that is necessary to fulfill our obligations; inform customers about how to use the collected data, regularly gives customers a choice about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to have their name removed from the lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need this data to do the job. All employees of Tatsu Print DOO and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

The website may also contain links to other websites (links) created by third parties. Tatsu Print DOO has no control over the said websites, and therefore completely disclaims any responsibility for the content on the websites, which have been created by third parties.

All other provisions that are not listed in the general terms and conditions can be regulated and indicated within the web store or via email received by each user/customer after registration or ordering.

All complaints in accordance with Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act (N.N. 41/2014), you can send by mail, fax or e-mail.

Any non-payment of the ordered goods or services, whether it is a bank transfer or cash on delivery for goods and services that have no defects, is subject to the financial laws of the Republic of Croatia, which includes enforcement law in case of non-payment of financial obligations. By visiting the internet store, you communicate electronically. You hereby accept that all agreements, notices, communications and other contents provided to you electronically meet the legal framework as if they had been realized in writing.

Tatsu Print DOO reserves the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice. The business conditions are in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia. In the event of a dispute, the trader and the consumer will resolve the dispute amicably, and if this is not possible, the Commercial Court in Rijeka has jurisdiction.

If you have any questions or suggestions or need additional information (support) about this privacy statement or the general terms and conditions of business and purchase, please contact us at: e-mail:

Distribution and production of goods for the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the EU is performed by the company DA-MARIS D.O.O.Viškovo 2, 51216 Viškovo, OIB: 35736772521